7-Eleven Renew
7-Eleven Renew was one of GreenPrint’s longest-running sustainability programs that offset a percentage of customers’ tailpipe emissions every time they filled up in certain 7-Eleven markets.
7-Eleven’s look and feel had evolved in the two years since the program launched. The Renew program needed to operate as a brand extension. A new campaign that would launch as part of this revamp was #OneTankTrip with Renew, using the hashtag to highlight nearby day trips customers could take with a tank of gas from a participating 7-Eleven. I designed a homepage concept to feature the new look and illustrate how the new site would feature improved content and support ongoing campaigns.
GreenPrint / 2019
Home page and campaign page comps
Program wind down
When this was pitched to 7-Eleven, the company was undergoing management change in the marketing department, and Renew’s relaunch was put on hold for a few months. By then, COVID-19 had come to North America, and 7-Eleven decided to wind down the Renew program.
7-Eleven Canada requested a landing page to recap the Renew program’s impact in British Columbia. I designed the landing page using the same updated branding.